2011年5月25日 星期三



  • 父母應該用全英語和寶寶溝通嗎?
  • 日常應該讓寶寶看DVD學英文嗎?
  • 應該儘早讓寶寶學習多種語言嗎?
  • 應該買教材讓寶寶看英文嗎?
  • 父母的角色是輔助寶寶發展,而非「幫助」寶寶發展。我們希望「幫」小朋友學某些方法,其實是會添加壓力給小朋友,令學習﹝語言﹞不是樂趣
  • 當身邊的人做很多的事時,父母很容易怕自己做得不足而虧欠了寶寶;這時候要對自己的決定有信心,最重要是付出了最大的努力,資源和時間便可以,沒有父母能做到完美

7 則留言:

  1. Agree with the 2nd pt. Nothing is perfect and no one is perfect. The most important pt is you've done your best and that's enough.

    Some say, one parent speaks Cantonese and the other one speaks English at home and for the rest of your life. The kid won't be confused with the language spoken.

    I did let my girls watch quality English videos/DVDs like "The Wiggles", "Hi 5", "Barney" and some other DVDs from Australia/ the US. You don't have to spend alot. Just ordinary English DVDs. Cheap and effective. Kids learn colloquial English and listening. I'd say "The wiggles" is good. I won't spend more than $120 for a DVD though. Don't but the Disney learning pack. Parents are the best teachers. Those materials are only trying to get money from your wallet.

    I don't speak English at home, so my girls are so and so. However, my younger daughter studied in a Mandarin/ Eng class at kindergarten, and she's good at Mandarin (with very nice accent). Learning at early seems to work but bear in mind that you have to provide a suitable language environment. So, I don't agree with those who put the kids in learning centre once a week to learn French/ Spanish/ Japanese....etc. I don't think it works. One has to use the language on a daily basis.

  2. Dont "buy" Disney Language learning pack.....
    Learning at early age seems to work.....

  3. 多謝你在敝blog的留言。

  4. Trust your instinct, evianh2o.

  5. 我無打算買教材,無打算對寶寶講英文(因為我覺得我的廣東話好過我的英文)。我見到很多父母動機出於希望寶寶英文好些,而錯誤用了不同方法,又或是太緊張,可能有反效果呢。最重要是,我不希望自己和寶寶的相處永遠purpose-driven,純粹享受一起的時光,不是更好嗎。

  6. Karina 你介意講你細女讀邊間幼稚園嗎?hehe

  7. St. Cat. Both my daughters studied there. I think it's too expensive now, however, kids do have happy school life there.

    I agree with you that many parents speak "horribe" English with their kids. But I think it's a good idea that you read English story books to Prudence from now on. Not purpose-driven but for fun.
