一個好的陪月,可以令坐月變得輕鬆很多,我也慶幸自己請到個好陪月。interview陪月時最好問得詳細一些,以免揀錯人,坐月時令自己激氣。如果想餵全人奶可以問的問題在另一篇「餵全人奶請陪月interview的問題」。 我以一個用家的角度,覺得一個好的陪月,應有以下特質:
(1) 志同道合
(2) 數目分明
(3) 善於煮食
(4) 有心有力
Agree with your comments, especially 有心有力, attitude is most important!
回覆刪除Hi Priscilla, would you please send me the contact of your 陪月?Thanks a lot!
( jess.wong.jw@gmail.com )
Hi, could you send me the contact of your 陪月?
回覆刪除Thanks a lot !
e-mail : cindykamching@gmail.com
Cindy, 已覆. 請看電郵! 祝順利!
回覆刪除Dear Priscilla,
回覆刪除Very useful information. Could you please send me the contact of you peiyu at pandabea119@hotmail.com? Thanks!
你好, 請問可否介紹你的陪月給我, email:fatbq@hotmail.com
回覆刪除Hi, 請問可否SEND你的陪月資料給我呢?
email: sukiplk@gmail.com
Could you please email me the contact of your 陪月?
Thank you so much!!
Hi Priscilla, would you please send me the contact of your 陪月?Thanks a lot!
回覆刪除I am looking for a babysitter. Hope you can send me the contact of your babysitter. Thanks! My email is bulbulpug@yahoo.com.hk
回覆刪除Hi Priscilla, can you share your babysitter's contacts to me? Please send to winnieli0504@gmail.com. Thanks.
回覆刪除Hi Priscilla, could you pls kindly send me the contact of your babysitter? My email is ivyelephant@hotmail.com. Tks so much for your kind help!
回覆刪除Hi Priscilla, Thank you for nice sharing, I just recognize to have my first baby, would you mind send your babysitter contact to me?
回覆刪除My email is katiefchen@gmail.com
Hi Priscilla, thanks a lot for your tips! Would you please kindly refer the contact of your babysitter to me? Thank you so much.
回覆刪除My e-mail is evahochiu@hotmail.com
回覆刪除可否send你個陪月資料給我嗎? Thanks!
回覆刪除My email address is: kinki_yanchu@yahoo.com.hk
Hi , can you send your陪月資料?
回覆刪除my email address is: laifuyin@yahoo.com.hk
Hi, can you send your 陪月資料 to me?
回覆刪除My email address: jessiechowpy@gmail.com
Thanks a lot!